Scientists are constantly on a quest to figure out the hidden resources on our planet. For centuries, these scientists have been debating the least explored phenomenon on our planet. For most Aussies scientists, unveiling the least explored stones has been a matter of constant quest for decades. This curiosity kicked in when Andy Tomkins, an Aussie scientist, was busy with his regular research in the fields of east Australia.
During the research, Andy found what he described as “a unique bent stone,” which had never been seen before. You can imagine the curiosity of scientists and geologists at this point. Andy returned to his lab at the Australian Monash University and spent hours researching the rare stone he had just found in the fields.

Tahila / Unsplash / While more research is underway, Aussie geologists term the mysterious diamond “ a rare and bent stone that was never seen before.”
Lonsdaleite Is A Rare Stone
Thus, more research is on its way, and these Aussies scientists are figuring out the specialties of this rarely found stone. As of now, the researchers have stated a few peculiarities of this naive stone. According to the initial statements from the researchers, Lonsdaleite is a diamond that can help improve the manufacturing of other costly ornaments.
Andy asserts that they are in the process of figuring out the mechanism of this unique stone. He is optimistic that it will be pretty handy for the industry once they unfold the making of Lonsdaleite. Based on the initial statements from the scientists, we know that Lonsdaleite is made through a unique process. Once that is unfolded (which is expected in the upcoming months,) it will give the ornament industry a new pathway for manufacturing.

Leah / Pexels / Once the making process of Lonsdaleite is unfolded, it will be handy in the manufacturing of “super-durable” industry equipment.
How Lonsdaleite Will Be Handy For The Industry?
Thus, the confirmation of the exact making of Lonsdaleite is yet to come. However, it is essential to understand that Lonsdaleite’s discovery is not a coincidence. Instead, there were heated debates about the existence of Lonsdaleite. Scientists were skeptical that a rare stone that is uniquely bent – called Lonsdaleite – does not exist. This debate has been going on for decades. So, this discovery is a landmark move in the industry.

Dawn / Unlike normal diamonds, Lonsdaleite is made of unique hexagonal stature.
As mentioned earlier, Lonsdaleite is not a normal diamond. Although it is made of pure carbon, it still has some components that are not found in other ‘normal’ diamonds. A research faculty member, Dave Asimow, asserts that Lonsdaleite is made of a unique hexagonal structure. This unique shape sets it apart from other diamonds.
Following the discovery, the question now was whether or not these scientists could replicate Lonsdaleite. It turns out that since the research is in the initial stage, nothing much can be said about its replication. But one thing is for sure: The making of Lonsdaleite can give a new horizon to the manufacturing of industrial equipment. It will make them more stubborn and durable.